2022.05.10 陳麗宇報告 – Display Space Design Forecast

Forecast of the Impact of Metaverse Concept on the Design Trend of Display Space: Aquarium in Focus – ICETM 2021

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Authors – Huimin Yang, Chulsoo Kim

Key words – Metaverse, Design Trend, Display Space

Abstract – Nowadays, people are paying more and more attention to the ocean, and aquariums are not only used as entertainment spaces, but also take on the important role of spreading marine culture. The metaverse is emerging as an alternative space for meetings in the wake of the new crown outbreak and the shift from offline meetings to online, non-face-to-face methods. As trust in the “virtual” realm increases, so does the scalability of the metaverse and the industries it supports. This thesis analyzes the status of the design of the display space of the world’s representative aquariums and evaluates the viewers’ needs, uses PEST analysis of the external factors in the metaverse environment according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and combines SWOT analysis to investigate and analyze the internal and external environmental factors in the design of the aquarium display space. Finally, we summarized the aspects that can be utilized (OS), need to be improved (OW), need to be monitored (ST) and need to be eliminated (WT).

本篇發表於 110下學期。將永久鏈結加入書籤。