2022.12.27 李艷琳報告 – In Event of Moon Disaster

In Event of Moon Disaster

PRIX ARS ELECTRONICA 2021 – S+T+ARTS Prize – Nomination


Halsey Burgund (US) & Francesca Panetta (UK)

An MIT Center for Advanced Virtuality production

→ Original Link:

→ Artwork Website

Class Presentation PPT



In July 1969, much of the world celebrated the “giant leap for mankind” of the successful moon landing. Fifty years later, nothing is quite so straightforward. In Event of Moon Disaster illustrates the possibilities of deepfake technologies by reimagining this seminal event. What if the Apollo 11 mission had gone wrong and the astronauts had not been able to return home? A contingency speech for this possibility was prepared, but never delivered, by President Nixon—until now.
In Event of Moon Disaster invites you into this alternative history and asks us all to consider how new technologies can bend, redirect, and obfuscate the truth around us. The project has a physical installation as well as an online component. The installation version consists of a 1960s American living room set allowing viewers to step back in time to watch the coverage of the Apollo 11 mission live on a vintage TV. The film journeys from blast off all the way to the moon where something goes terribly wrong and Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are stranded, prompting President Nixon to deliver the elegiac contingency speech to a mourning world. The website contains both the film and accompanying educational materials as well as a quiz used to evaluate the effectiveness of the awareness campaign.


本篇發表於 111上學期。將永久鏈結加入書籤。