2021.11.16 翁政弘報告

Topic: Sound for Fungi. Homage to Indeterminacy (LINK) Report [PPT][ PDF]

Author:Theresa Schubert (LINK)

Keyword: Bio-Sound, Fungi Growth Sound


Abstract: Sound for Fungi. Homage to Indeterminacy is a generative video that simulates hyphae’s growth and via a hand tracking sensor allows people to interact with these. Thus, a visitor can take on the role of a sound frequency modulating the hyphae growth in real-time and move through the network. The multiplicity of fungi becomes tangible through being able to change perspective in a 3D environment and fluidly shift from a macro view to a cellular level opening up fragile topologies made of nodes, connections and their environment.

本篇發表於 110上學期。將永久鏈結加入書籤。