2021.10.05 陳麗宇報告 – Compression Cradle

Compression Cradle by Lucy McRae – Ars Electronica 2020, Interactive+, Honorary Mentions

Photo - Scottie Cameron

Class Presentation

Lucy McRae Website


Key words – Touch, empathy, human condition

Theme/issue – “A Crisis of touch”

Summary – Compression Cradle is a machine that affectionately squeezes the body with a sequence of aerated volumes that hold you tight – in an attempt to prepare the self for a future that assumes a lack of human touch. It is an ongoing research project investigating the human losses and gains of touch. The project’s aim is to gather data at future exhibitions to form the premise for a new work and symposium that discuss research and new points of view on the future of touch, empathy, and the human condition. With a set of deeply ingrained beliefs and ethics, all of Lucy McRae’s projects, including the Compression Cradle, are committed to a single objective: the preservation of humanity.

本篇發表於 110上學期。將永久鏈結加入書籤。