2020.10.19楊元福報告: ALife

Topic: Introduction to Artificial Life for People who Like AI  ppt

Author: Lana Sinapayen

Reference: https://thegradient.pub/an-introduction-to-artificial-life-for-people-who-like-ai/

Abstract: ALife is the bottom-up scientific study of the fundamental principles of life. Artificial Intelligence researchers ponder the nature of intelligence by trying to build intelligent systems from scratch, ALife researchers investigate the nature of “life” by trying to build living systems from scratch. This academic field naturally overlaps with biology and chemistry, but also computer science, astrobiology, physics, complex systems, network sciences, geology, evolutionary science, origins of life research, and of course AI and animal behavior studies. We introduce ALife through the following 6 sections:
ALife Introduction, A short history of Alife, ALife and AI, Conclusion & Vision of ALife, Connection/Demo

本篇發表於 109上學期。將永久鏈結加入書籤。