2020.04.14 孟昕報告

文獻題目:《 Hakanaï 》
文獻作者:Adrien M/Claire B (FR)
文獻來源:2018 ADAF 雅典數位藝術節 / video
Hakanaï is a solo choreographic performance that unfolds through a series of images in motion. In Japanese Hakanaï denotes that which is temporary and fragile, evanescent and transient, and in this case something set between dreams and reality. While widely associated with nature, the term is now often used to elicit an intangible aspect of the human condition and its precariousness. It encompasses two elements: that concerning the human being as well as that related to dreams. This symbolic relationship is the foundation of the dance composition in which a dancer gives life to a space somewhere between the borders of imagination and reality, through her interactions with the images she encounters. The images are on-stage animations that move in physical patterns according to the rhythm of the live sounds that they follow. The performance’s outcome is the revelation of a digital installation to its audience.


本篇發表於 108下學期。將永久鏈結加入書籤。