2019.0924 孟昕報告



文獻題目:   Labor

文獻作者:Paul Vanouse (US)



Labor is a dynamic, self-regulating art installation that re-creates the scent of people exerting themselves under stressful conditions. There are, however, no people involved in making the smell—it is created by bacteria propagating in the three bioreactors in the artwork. Each bioreactor incubates a unique species of human skin bacteria responsible for the primary scent of sweating bodies: Staphylococcus epidermidis, Corynebacterium xerosis, and Propionibacterium avidum. As these bacteria metabolize sugars and fats, they create the distinct smells of human exertion, stress, and anxiety. Their scents combine in the central chamber in which a sweatshop icon, a wearer-less white T-shirt, is infused as the scents disseminate out, intensifying throughout the exhibition.

本篇發表於 108上學期。將永久鏈結加入書籤。