2018.1108 何宜庭報告



PLANTAS AUTOFOTOSINTÉTICAS (Autophotosynthetic plants)

作品作者:Gilberto Esparza

作品來源:Ars Electronica Hybrid Art(2015)- Golden Nica ,


This symbiotic system re-imagines the management of sewage in order to salvage its potential as a source of energy. It is made up of a set of modular microbial fuel cells for the development of colonies of bacteria whose metabolism produces electricity and improves water quality. The modules create a hydraulic network that feeds bio-filtered water into the central container, creating an optimal environment where producer species and consumer species from different trophic levels (protozoa, crustaceans, micro algae, and aquatic plants) can achieve homeostatic equilibrium. The electricity produced by the bacteria is released as bursts of luminous energy, enabling photosynthesis by the plants living in the central container, which thereby complete their metabolic processes. When the organic material present in the microbial cells has been entirely consumed, an electronic monitoring network is responsible for pumping the byproducts generated by the species in the nuclear ecosystem out into the modular cells, restoring the cycle.


本篇發表於 107上學期。將永久鏈結加入書籤。